Saturday, January 10, 2009


Welcome!! Here's to a new year, a new blog and a new approach.
So I'd like to tell you about my goal for this blog, my reasons behind it's creation.

We are all on our own journey. Each of us are on a course and although we have people in our lives that we might feel are on this journey with us, I feel that is simply not true. Take a spouse or significant other, while we are joined in so much, we are still individuals with our own desires, needs, dreams. I think the beauty of that relationship is finding the person that walks your parallel path, side by side. As partners, parents, friends, I think it's important for us to cheer on those people close to us or ones that even show up for a short time as they walk their path. While we support, cheer and walk together with one another we must still nourish our inner self and strengthen ourselves so that we may continue to improve ourselves. This in turn makes us better people to those around. So, my hope for this year is to continue trying to improve my whole self. That includes my diet, my activities, my thoughts and I wanted to share that with you. I plan to update at least once a week. It may just be a healthy recipe or maybe a thought for the day. I might share a place to go if you live in the area or an activity to do that will boost your health. Whatever it may be, the plan is for it to be something good for you! So, I hope you come back and I hope that my journey to whole health will be a boosting agent in yours.

Today I want to share a bit of what I am dealing with. This week I started running again. I haven't really ran since I came to Nashville although I have been wanting to. Well, I finally headed over to the gym and on Thursday evening my ankle started hurting out of the blue. By the end of the evening I could barely put any pressure on it. Frustrating, to say the least. Today I had a 3 mile run on my schedule which I can not do. I actually don't know when or if I will be running again anytime soon. From what I can tell it seems like I might be dealing with tendinitis of the peroneal tendon. Sadly, this can take months to heal. This unexpected injury has not only messed with my exercise schedule but it has also messed with my daily routine. I almost cried earlier while trying to get laundry in washer. I did notice that after sleeping for 8 hours last night, my ankle felt the best it had since Thursday. So, rest is obviously necessary. "How do I tell that to my plan?" was my first thought. Sitting around when I don't want to drives me crazy but when I am extremely busy all I want to do is be lazy. Do you see the red flashing light???? How is it possible to enjoy life when we are constantly unhappy with the present moment? I also spend most of my days thinking about everything I need to do. Lists, lists, thoughts of lists. It's never NOW. I live for what WILL happen. Why not love what IS happening? And if we can't love what is happening let us remind ourselves that we have a choice...this is our own personal journey and we can change the direction. I'd like to love my NOW, my present moment. I want to enjoy this time where I have to slow down and accept that my body needs something. I want to take pride in the fact that I am taking care of myself. I also want to enjoy whatever it is I am, that's taking it easy.
Why not take time throughout your day to see why you love your present moment.

Here is a recipe for the week.

Mini Pizza's

1 Flattie (I like spinach and these can be found at most any grocer)
pizza sauce
Veggies of your choice( You can saute first or just put fresh on pizza for a bigger crunch)
1/4 cup Fat Free mozzarella
1 tsp oregano
1 tsp basil
1 minced garlic clove

Cover flattie with sauce, sprinkle with garlic, basil, oregano. Cover with your choice of diced veggies. Sprinkle with cheese and pop in the oven.

Preheat oven to 400
Bake for 15 min.

This whole pizza is for you! It's one delicious and healthy recipe! If you are a WW follower you will be happy to know this whole pizza is 3 points! Just watch the brand of sauce as some can be higher in points than others. If your sauce is more than 1 point then be sure to add the extra to your points.

Last, I'm glad you're reading. I hope you come back. :)


  1. Love the new blog Amber! Will definately try that pizza out. How about "points" for diabetics? (We call points, exchanges) 15 carbs equals one exchange! :) I know, I had to make it more difficult for you eh? :)

  2. Well, I am an equal opportunity conversionist....(is that a word?) So I would love to be able to put both WW points and exchanges on all the recipes I post. My only question would be, do you count net carbs or just straight out carbs? Also do you have 1/2 an exchange? Let the counting begin! Oh, and that was more than one question, sorry!
