Sunday, January 31, 2010

And it's back!

So here we go again! New year, new start on the old blog. Haha. So, why should I try this again you ask? Well, I have been on a health journey that has been nothing short of amazing this year. It actually pains me that I didn't have tests run on my body when I started just to see the progress I have made internally! My desire to go on this journey is different this year though. Last year I think I was still worrying with the pounds and lining my goals with the numbers on the scale. This year I have let go of that. My moto for this year - "Treat your body like an instrument, not an ornament". I want to fill my body with the best of the best. I want to give it what it needs to perform at it's best. My body is a machine and it needs certain things to get me in MENTAL, PHYSICAL and EMOTIONAL top form. My goals aren't to look pretty in a bathing suit. I only want to feel confident enough, energized enough to get in a bathing suit and go swimming with my family. I don't want to walk down the street and get hit on by men. I want to walk proud and have my husband and my daughter proud to walk next to me because I'm dedicated and desiring of being my best me. So, with the new outlook I started down a little road to WHOLE EVOLUTION. How has this changed from any previous roads I have traveled in the health world? Well, I now am not counting points, fats or anything else for that matter. Instead, it it's healthy, I eat it. Nuts- yep! Avocados- yep! Cheese- yep! Aren't these fatty? Well yes they are! GOOD FATTY! It's all about portions with these. I eat all of these even though I steered clear of them on weight watchers due to the fat which meant high points. The fact is that these foods are packed with nutrition and good fats. I only eat 1oz of nuts a day but I still love that 1oz almost every day! Since January 1, 2010 I have followed this moto and applied it to my diet. I'm loving what I'm feeling and seeing in myself. Though numbers aren't my goal, they have went down. In three weeks (I haven't weighed myself this week) but in the first three weeks of this year, my body has let go of 6 pounds naturally. I have went out to eat, I have had birthday cake, I have had wine. I didn't overdo it with these things though. I ordered the healthiest food that I liked and I didn't hate myself for having the cake. I took care of my the MPE aspects of me. I can't avoid life but I also can't overindulge in all the bad and still have a good internal system.
I do have two secret weapon however. I LOVE to food. :) How is this good? I love everything about food. I love cooking, eating, smelling. I love understanding food....what goes together, what doesn't. I love coming up with recipes. I love researching the benefits of each food. For me, food is always fun. Therefore, I have been really enjoying coming up with the healthiest recipes I can and knowing what I am putting in is the best I can. My second secret grocery store. Trader Joe's is where I get 99% of my groceries. Fantastic place. They are so reasonably priced, sell local produce as much as they can, sell lots of organic and mainly preservative, additive free foods. I trust TJ's for so many reasons but in case you are nervous to try....they do have a 100% money back guarantee! SWEET! Anyway, these first few post or maybe a lot of these posts will be to let you know what I'm doing, learning and loving. I will share recipes and my thoughts. For now though, it's late and I want to head to bed. Sleep now that's something else I'm trying to make sure I get enough of. That's for another post though.
Tomorrow I will post a recipe of my breakfast :) Right now, I need to jump off here and get it ready.


  1. Wonderful! You're looking great, acting great, and I can tell you're feeling great. I love reading your writings, Amber. I'll see you when you wake up, because now you are sound asleep beside me and as beautiful as ever.

  2. Welcome back Amber! Thanks for letting us take the journey with you! I have also lost 6lbs since the New Year. The diabetic nutri-system program is going well. But I too, have ate desserts and other things that I have liked...enoyed it and NEVER felt guilty about it. Learning portion sizes is HUGE. I'll be venturing out into cooking next month (I need one more month on the system to keep my sugars stable and still work on my cravings) I'll be looking at all your yummy recipes!
